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Powering Excellence: Lean Insights from Saft Batteries

February 24, 2025 1:08 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

by Dave Rizzardo, Associate Director, MWCC

On February 20th, we kicked off our first MWCC Lean tour of 2025 at Saft Batteries in Cockeysville, Maryland. It was an inspiring and informative Lean morning that began with an overview of Saft and their products. Their advanced batteries power applications across land, sea, air, and even space. In addition to their commitment to Lean excellence, Saft's sustainability practices and results are world-class.

Following the company overview, we learned about some of the impressive Lean initiatives within their Saft Excellence System before starting the tour of their facilities.

Several key Lean takeaways stood out during the visit. One highlight was their organizational structure, which effectively aligns the entire company—from the plant floor to the leadership team—around key issues. This alignment happens not just monthly, but every day, allowing problems to be quickly surfaced, addressed, and resolved.

Another impressive aspect was their use of automation. Automated processes ensure the high precision required for their products while enabling them to meet increasing sales demands. Their automated data collection system provides timely information in a visual, easily understood format, which supports ongoing improvements. Throughout the facility, we observed visual systems and controls reinforcing Lean practices.

These are just a few of the insights we gathered. As with any true Lean organization, Saft recognizes that the journey is never-ending, with continuous opportunities for improvement.

Overall, it was an educational and engaging Lean morning, offering valuable lessons and inspiration for all who attended.

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