A3 and Value Stream Mapping WorkshopThis workshop is a one-day introduction to Value Stream Mapping and how to link the VSM findings to the A3 Management Process. The goal is to instruct participants how to conduct Value Stream Mapping and how to make plans operational by solving problems, gaining agreement, mentoring and leading change via the A3 Management Process. The A3 Report is a tool Toyota uses to propose solutions to problems, give status reports on ongoing projects, and report results of information gathering activities. The A3 Report is the practice of getting the problem, analysis, corrective actions, and action plan down on a single sheet of paper, often with the use of graphics. The workshop uses the value streams in the participants' own businesses. Workshops are held in Maryland several times throughout the year. Check our calendar to view upcoming sessions, or contact us for more information or to schedule a class in your region or exclusively for you and your company. What You'll LearnEach workshop includes a hands-on learning activity that helps solidify the understanding of lean principles and tools. By the end of the workshop, participants/teams will have produced a high level current state and future state map of a value stream in their own enterprise, as well as the supporting A3 Reports for implementation purposes. Participants will receive instructions in advance that will guide them through the data collection necessary to be prepared for the workshop. If participants are not able to get all of the data in advance, assumptions about the current state will suffice. The deliverables will not produce an exhaustive analysis, but one of sufficient detail as to be relevant to their business and to learn the techniques. Who Should Attend?This workshop is appropriate for lean practitioners, training and human resource professionals, and leaders of lean process improvement activities. | Want to host a workshop?Hosting supports your lean community, creates connections with other lean practitioners, and builds recognition for your company. You choose the topic, select a date suitable for your employees, and take as many seats as you need. We fill in the rest! And as a bonus, you receive TWO FREE SEATS! Contact us if you're interested and we can tell you more about our workshops. Upcoming Workshops
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