The Maryland World Class Consortia holds regular meetings each quarter for members, potential members, supporters, and guests. Each meeting is a half-day "mini-conference" that provide new developments among Consortia members, examples of World Class tools in action, and networking with active practitioners.
Our upcoming meeting features:

Leslie Gilbert, Continuous Improvement Coordinator for Howard County Public School System, will discuss how they have applied lean across administrative processes and in the student classrooms. Through her team's work, Howard County Public Schools is equipping their educators with lean methods, allowing THEM to discover the improvements to problems of all types. Leslie will discuss how HCPSS staff and teachers are taking lean to new frontiers by viewing value through the eyes of their customer, the student, and how they are reshaping the school system.
Thomas Dahbura is President of Hub Labels, based in Hagerstown, Maryland. Thomas is a second generation label converter, growing up amongst the ink, gears and grease of the operation his father founded in 1978. Over the past two decades, Thomas' unwavering commitment to emerging production and application technologies has been instrumental in positioning Hub as one of the most progressive and prominent prime label companies in the North America.
David Lunken is a Senior Consultant with PI Midatlantic, a management consultancy that helps organizations align their people with their business strategies through a combination of insight, education, and coaching. Using the Predictive Index®, David helps companies learn to better engage, motivate, and create the right environment for employees to be most effective and successful.
Thomas and David will discuss the Predictive Index® (PI®), a powerful behavioral-assessment tool that has changed the way Hub Labels evaluates candidates and manages employees. Thomas and David will together describe how Hub Labels has utilized behavioral analytics to make better people decisions.
Jeff Fuchs, MWCC Executive Director, will briefly address recent protests and riots in Baltimore City, and discuss lean for the public sector and for social change.
08:00 a.m. - Registration and continental breakfast
08:30 a.m. - Welcome and announcements
08:45 a.m. - Leslie Gilbert
10:00 a.m. - Networking Break (Coffee/Tea and Soda)
10:15 a.m. - Thomas Dahbura and David Lunken
11:15 a.m. - Jeff Fuchs
11:45 a.m. - Closing remarks
12:00 p.m. - Optional networking lunch
Lunch - Grilled Marinated Flank Steak with Fricassee of Wild Mushrooms, Salad, Chef Choice Dessert & Coffee/Tea
If you have special dietary requirements, please contact us to arrange alternative dining selections.
Location - The Hotel at Arundel Preserve, 7795 Arundel Mills Boulevard, Hanover, MD 21076
Please visit the hotel's website for directions. Refunds for cancellations will not be available after May 13, 2015.