The Maryland World Class Consortia holds regular meetings each quarter for members, potential members, supporters, and guests. Each meeting is a half-day "mini-conference" that provide new developments among Consortia members, examples of World Class tools in action, and networking with active practitioners.
Speakers for this quarter:
Carl Livesay of Land Sea Air Manufacturing will describe the progressive ways his company is building a successful manufacturing enterprise. Carl will cover a range of topics, including finding and developing a skilled workforce, the role of advanced technologies in modern manufacturing, the effectiveness of business strategy, and more.
Jody Moscaritolo with the government of Baltimore County will describe their lean government efforts. Lean tools and principles apply to any administrative or service process, including those in government. Baltimore County is one of many jurisdictions using lean in the public sector. Their story is sure to inspire every citizen and businessperson.
08:00 a.m. - Registration and light continental breakfast
08:30 a.m. - Carl Livesay, Land Sea Air Manufacturing
09:30 a.m. - Networking Break (Coffee/Tea and Soda)
09:45 a.m. - Jody Moscaritolo, Baltimore County
10:45 a.m. - Networking Break
11:00 a.m. - TBD
12:00 p.m. - Optional networking lunch
Location: Clarion Inn Frederick Event Center (formerly Holiday Inn FSK), 5400 Holiday Dr, Frederick, MD 21703
Substitutions for registrants is permitted. Refunds for cancellations will not be available one week prior to the meeting date.