Companies actively engaged in Lean offer a treasure trove of information when it comes to their respective Lean journeys. Benchmarking these companies brings you new ideas, an affirmation of your current practices, and an opportunity to be spurred on and take next steps in your own organization. To that end, we are continuing to bring you monthly tours so you can take advantage of this knowledge base. Each plant tour offers a unique opportunity to dialog with peers from across industries and functions about best practices, challenges and solutions to moving your organization forward.

“Into the Garbage Chute, Flyboy!” CHUTES International invites us to tour their company to witness the progress of their Lean journey in southern Maryland.
CHUTES International manufactures internal trash, linen, and recycling chutes; using a distribution network, they sell to a national market. Recent efforts to break into international sales has earned CHUTES the Maryland International Business Leadership Award for 2023!
Chutes began their Lean journey with the MWCC in 2019 and since that time, the company has made huge strides enabling them to increase productivity to take on a larger marketplace! While they are light years from where they began, they also recognize that like any Padawan they still have learning ahead of them to become Lean Jedis. The pursuit of Lean is a journey that never ends.
We look forward to sharing the progress of their improvement efforts all the way from the shop floor to their internal offices…and they promise not to push anyone into the garbage chute!
12:30 pm Arrive
12:30 - 1:30 Lunch, Company Overview & Lean Journey Presentation
1:30 - 1:45 Safety Protocol/Glasses & Waivers
1:45 - 3:00 Tour
3:00 - 3:30 Wrap up/Dessert
If you have any special dietary requirements, please contact us to arrange alternative dining selections.
Substitutions for registrants permitted. No refunds.