Join us for an immersive and interactive 1-Day Lean Overview Workshop that
will provide participants with an introduction to Lean principles and tools. For people just getting started with Lean, or for organizations who are ramping up on their Lean journey, this workshop is a must! This dynamic session will cover a wide range of topics, including:
1. What & Why of Lean
2. Introduction to the Lean Principles
3. Add Value for the Customer/Eliminate Waste
4. Overview of the People Principles – Everyone, Respect for People, Teamwork
5. Process Principle - Focus on the Process/Standard Work
- Round 1 Simulation Exercise – 10 Piece Push
6. Key Lean Tools & Techniques
7. Process Principle - Optimize the Value Stream/Mapping the Value Stream
8. Kanban - A Visual Replenishment System
- Round 2 Simulation Exercise – 4 Piece Pull
9. Process Principle - Continuous Flow
- Batching vs. One-Piece Flow
- Cells and Cell Design
- Round 3 Simulation Exercise – 1 Piece Pull
10. Improvement Principle - Scientific Thinking (PDCA)/Root Cause Analysis
11. Additional Lean Tools & Techniques - TPM/Quick Changeover, Mistake-Proofing
12. Lean Transformation Guidelines
13. Quick & Dirty Lean Culture Assessment
14. Keys to Success/Summary
Minor adjustments may be made to the training based on the specific needs and preferences of the audience.
This workshop is suitable for everyone: front line and management, manufacturers and knowledge workers, supervisors, senior executives.
No prior exposure to Lean is necessary.
For questions and for those with special dietary needs, contact Joyce La Padula at
This workshop will be facilitated by MWCC Associate Director, Dave Rizzardo. All participants will receive Dave's book, "Lean, Let's Get it Right!"
Your company might qualify for grant reimbursement of 50% of the fee. (This reimbursement is subject to availability of funding and adequate appropriation.) Contact Joyce La Padula for qualification criteria.