The MWCC is offering a Lean Government track at the 2013 Mid-Atlantic Lean Conference to introduce lean government, provide lean government case study examples, and describe resources and tips for getting started.What is “lean government”?
"Lean" is a set of principles and practices that empowers employees to improve their own processes. Lean creates better job satisfaction, better service for citizens, and more efficient, hassle-free processes for everyone. "Lean Government" is the use of lean in government processes.
Lean has helped businesses in the private sector grow and improve for over 50 years. In recent years, governments across the country have successfully used lean to improve the speed, scope and quality of service to citizens, increase the capacity of government, and reduce costs. Lean has documented dramatic benefits across all functions of government (administration, education, law enforcement, public works), and all levels (federal, state, county, local).
Visit the MWCC's Lean Government page to learn more about lean and how it can improve your government agency.
Maryland Lean Government Conference Agenda:
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